About the Scholarship Fund

LoneStar Country Dance Scholarship Fund was organized to promote a love of competitive country dancing. Fostering a love of dance in college age students gives them the opportunity to learn social skills and gain confidence as they move from teenager to adult. The opportunities the fund offers will help them develop a lifelong love of dance and can help bridge the transition from their college campus to a future job.


Funds Dispersed

$24,434.82 as of Dec, 2019


Who is eligible

Scholarships are available to any competitive dancer enrolled full time in an institute of higher learning. Here is our application.


How you can help

Cash donations can be made through PayPal and will help provide the funds we need to help our competitors. You can also use Amazon Smile which will donate 0.5% of their profit at no cost to you to the “Lone Star Country Dance Scholarship Fund”.


About our competitors

Since 2015, through the support of this scholarship fund, 10 student competitors have gone on to become UCWDC World Champions with many earning more than one title over more than a single season. Many of these competitors would not have had the financial means to cover the costs of qualifying throughout the year much less to attend the World Championships without the support of this scholarship fund.


About the board

We are a group of dance enthusiasts, banding together to promote country partner dancing to college age students. As a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, funds raised are distributed to college students to assist with travel expenses, costuming and competition registration fees. We were formed in June, 2015 and are based in Austin, TX.


Contact Us

Email             Dance.LoneStar@gmail.com

Facebook      https://www.facebook.com/dancescholarshipfund



There are two competitive country circuits, United Country Western Dance Council, also known as UCWDC, and American Country Dance Association, also known as ACDA. Each circuit holds dance competitions around the United States and in the case of UCWDC, around the world. ACDA events are located in south central United States. A list of events can be found at UnitedCountryWesternDanceCouncil.org and at AmericanCountryDanceAssociation.com.

For both circuits, the competitive year or season begins in February and culminates with championship competitions in November and January, where national and world titles are awarded.